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Effect Node by You

VFX Website Boilerplate with Visual Programming & more...

VFX on Web

Our dream is to bring VFX to the web.
Why settle for less when we can dream more?
Comptuer Graphics & Visual Effects fascinates our inventor when he saws it running on iPad 2 in iOS8 in 2014. Ever since, he keeps working on this area.

Decentralised Ownership

Effect Node lets you store your own code in your code base and your json data on your own firebase. There's no centralsied storage of us keeping your code and visual programming json data. One firebase account can keep many many projects and canvases with multi-user colloration support.

Easy & Dreamy Code API

We try our best to simplify the most frequnetly used things in visual prgoramming, which is simply input output and asynchronous module resolution, as well as Runtime data import and export.

VFX Libray Share

We love sharing VFX codes with people because it makes the web more beautiful. Our VFX node systme are designed to be compatible with developer made addons/plugins.

Quality & Recognition

Our invetor of EffectNode, Lok Lok, has focused on this software since 2017. He won a $300K grand for shader node, a Webbys nomation in 2019 of effect node legacy, Webbys judgeship in 2020, and a Webbys honoree in 2021 for desktop version of EffectNode.

Visual Prorgramming CMS

We include a Full-Featrued Visual Programming CMS for you in the boiplerplate code, fully customisable and production ready.

We want to bring out the best for you guys instead of keeping it as a startup closed codebase for earnining moeny. We want the community to thrive together and grow more web vfx libraries and share VFX on web with one another.